Grimaldi ACL – 4/19 Port of Baltimore and Bridge Collapse Update

Please note, per ACL. “24th Day since the collapse of the Bridge. Of the estimated overall 50,000ts of bridge debris, it is estimated that 27,000ts of bridge debris is in the water, more than previously anticipated. A large capacity grabber is enroute from Texas, eta is April 22nd to assist with the recovery and salvage effort. The integrity of the vessel ‘Dali’ hull is confirmed, the vessel is secured by 4 anchors (non-vessel) and 1 tugboat.
-The plan for the restricted 35ft draft channel is still on target for 4-30-24, keel clearance is currently tba
-Following this, traffic will be very restricted due to draft restriction, and also because the prioritization of the vessels (inbound / outbound) is still unknown at this date.
We will keep you posted with the latest developments as we receive them from Authorities.”

Return To Summary 4/22/2024 1:40:54 PM

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